Light Grey Dove No Collar Baby Collar Dove

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Ringneck Dove

African Collared Dove Streptopelia roseogrisea, (Sundevall 1857)
Barbary Dove Streptopelia risoria  (Linnaeus, 1758)

A Feral Ringneck Dove
in Tampa FL

Common Names
Scientific Names
Distribution and Habitat


Seed. Water, and Grit Containers
Nest Boxes and Nesting Material
Emergency Intendance and Feeding of Abandoned Babies
Taming Ringneck Doves


A number of species of collared doves are native to Africa and Asia. The African Collared Dove, parent of the long domesticated ringneck, inhabits the savannah regions of North Africa located in a narrow east w strip south of the Sahara Desert. It is too found along the coast of Sudan and Somalia and in fundamental and southern Kingdom of saudi arabia. Derek Goodwin (four) describes the post-obit variations:

  • S. r. roseogrisea - eastern Africa - stake, grayish fawn due west/blue gray on the fly edge
  • S. r. bornuensis - western Africa - darker than the nominate
  • Due south. r. arabica - Entrea, Somaliland, and Arabia - darker colour with pale gray underwing coverts

According to Dr. Wilmer J. Miller of Iowa Land, the domestic ringneck that has been kept for perhaps thousands of years originated from the rose-gray (rosegrisea) species of north due east Africa (the nominate variation). These birds accept been bred in cages since biblical times equally pets and for magicians� acts. The aboriginal keepers of doves manifestly liked the white and blond versions of these birds and got rid of the ones having darker colors.  But in contempo times breeders accept managed to retrieve the darker colored birds as well as develop a number of new colors. These birds have been widely studied and used in genetics research since the stop of the 1800�s. Today there is more than than 40 distinguishable colour patterns. Xxx viii color patterns are presented in Professor Bob Lockhart�s book, Ringneck Dove Colors (6) published in 1999.

Common Names

Ringneck Dove (1)(5)(six)(seven)
Barbary Dove (1)(4)(5)(10)
Fawn Dove (1)
White Dove (1)

Brownstone, a ringneck dove
At least 16 years old in 2006

Scientific Names

Derek Goodwin provided split descriptions for the Barbary dove and the African collared dove in his book Pigeons and Doves of the World (4). For the Barbary dove he used the scientific name Streptopelia risoria; and for the African collared dove he used the commonly accepted name of Streptopelia rosegrisea. He explained that information technology had been customary to give the Barbary dove a carve up species name even though taxonomists considered this incorrect. He justified the use of this proper noun because this species had been subject to so many observations and experiments throughout the earth in the past.

Dr. Matthew Vriends in his book Doves, A consummate Pet Owner's Manual (1994) (10) used the scientific proper name of Streptopelia rosegrisea var. "risoria" and did not make farther comment on his naming convention.

Dr. Danny Brown in his book, A Guide to Pigeons, Doves, & Quail (1995) (one), uses the name Streptopelia "risoria" and besides did not further comment on the naming convention used.

Gibbs, Barnes, and Cox, in their book Pigeons and Doves of the World (2001) (3), did not describe the Barbary dove.  They merely included the African collared pigeon and in their description made no reference to the domesticated dove.


Gibbs, Barnes, and Cox report the African collared dove has an overall length ranges from 260 to 270 mm. and weight ranges from 150 to 160 grams. (iii)

Chocolate-brown reports the length of the Barbary dove is between 300 and 310 mm. and the weight is between 150 and 200 grams. (1)


Adult African collared doves' coloration of the upper parts is a stake grayish fawn with blue gray along the wing edge. In that location is a black neck ring extending half way around the neck on the back of the neck. Chin, abdomen, and under wing are whitish in color.  The orbital skin a narrow white band, and the iris night ruby.  The bill is black and the anxiety are red.

The Barbary pigeon is usually somewhat larger and has a longer tail than the African collared dove. This may have resulted as some cross convenance with the Eurasian collared dove, Streptopelia decaocto (4).  The coloration is a warm, creamy buff shading to near white on the chin, belly, and under tail coverts.  At that place is a black, white edged collar on the dorsum of the neck

Distribution and Habitat

The natural range of the African collared dove is in the savannah lands south of the Sahara Desert in Africa from Senegal and Mauritania in the west across the continent to Sudan and Ethiopia in the east. They are also located along the Red Bounding main declension in Arabia and in Yemen.

Feral populations of the ringneck dove are in found many areas of the earth.  I take observed large populations in the Tampa - St. Petersburg area of Florida and likewise have seen a number of pairs around Tallahassee, Florida.  Others take told me this dove can be found throughout south Florida.  Derek Goodwin (3) reports a long time colony in Los Angles, California.  People also have written in with reports of populations in south Texas and Arizona.  I have also received reports from observations fabricated by people in Indiana and Ohio.  Considering the cold winter climate in these areas the observed birds may take come from people who keep and free fly their ringnecks in that area.  Or they may have been

It should be noted that the ringneck dove is oftentimes confused with the Eurasian collared dove which has taken up residence throughout Florida since the 1980's.  However this dove is unremarkably larger than the ringneck, has a different call, and has dark master flight feathers, while the ringneck usually has calorie-free primaries.  To further confuse the issue, members of feral ringneck populations have ofttimes mated with the European Collared Dove


The African collared pigeon constructs nests in pocket-size trees and bushes, not very high above the footing.  Ii eggs are laid ane or 2 days apart and then incubated for 14 days.  After hatching the parents feed babies with "pigeon milk" which comes from the lining of their crops.  Afterwards a week or so the parents brainstorm to add together seed to the diet.  In three weeks the babies are on an all seed nutrition and usually fledge, nevertheless they are not self sufficient still. The parents' will keep to feed them for another week every bit they learn how to find food in the wild.


The white pigeon is a color mutation of the African collared dove/Barbareydove that has been around for maybe a thousand years.  They have been bred in cages since biblical times.  The albino ringneck dove was imported from Japan in 1967.  These birds are pure white and are reported to be without neck rings.  See the photograph of the bird below.  However if one adapt the brightness and contrast settings on a  photograph we found that the ordinarily invisible neck band can be fabricated to appear. Run into the second photo below.

Many of the people who write are people who have plant white doves in various locations every bit the effect of improper dove releases for weddings and other functions. Homing pigeons are the appropriate birds for such releases as they will return to the owner�s loft afterwards their release. White doves are often used though because they are much cheaper to brood than homing pigeons. However they do not accept the power to return to the owners loft and thus cease up in the wild. They often are not able to find food having had it provided to them all their life and because of their white color they are easy prey for a multifariousness of predators. Thus many of these released birds die or are killed in a relatively curt fourth dimension.

A White Ringneck Dove imposter

(See the notation at the cease of this section)

It seems to me an even worse tragedy is the use of albino doves in wedding releases.  These birds take severely restricted vision in bright low-cal and controlled flying is almost impossible.  This young dove apparently was released in bad atmospheric condition and then it may accept been a little easier for her.  She was rescued past a by a admirer who found her on the street likewise weak to fly abroad and he gave her to a bird rehabilitator who in plough gave the bird to me.  I accept plant that she even has a hard fourth dimension locating the seed and h2o cups in her cage.  And while she will attempt flight she does not have sufficient vision to find a place to land so flies slow circles until she either hits an object or is too tired to continue and flutters straight down

After she had been with me several months she taught herself to fly from her cage beyond the living room to the meridian of some book shelves on the far side from her cage.  Her method was to brush the tip of her right wing confronting the wall and movement forward at a slow speed.  When she sensed she was close to the far wall she would make a left turn and descended until she touched the elevation of the bookcase.  Some landings were gentle but others were rather hard.  On the return trip she would wing straight across the room without touching the walls.  I felt she was able to so this because there was a bright low-cal only above her cage.  She ordinarily managed to descend plenty so she could state on the surface of the muzzle tabular array in front of her cage.

An enhanced photograph showing the "invisible" neck band

Many white doves that have been released end up looking to humans for help.  Many people have written in with stories nigh how they caused a white dove. Some accept told how these doves flew in open doors of their homes and i lady told how a ringneck landed on her wrist equally she was unlocking her front door. Many have been found walking outside, likewise weak to fly away, and are thus are picked upwards, often by children. And many of these people, not having an feel in keeping birds, have written me for advice about keeping such birds equally pets.

Update: June 2007: Our white pigeon turned out not to exist a ringneck dove after all.  After nosotros had her a year nosotros discovered that she was actually an Eurasian collared dove.  This was determine by her call and occasional scream.  I was not familiar with the ECD's call although I have heard the call effectually boondocks and in other locations.  I idea the birds I was looking at were ringnecks.  But many people had been writing in about the ECDs and Dr. Wilmer J. MilIer, the ringnck pigeon skilful, told me about the telephone call and scream and as well told me I could identify the ECD by nighttime spikes on the underside of the outer feathers.  Since this bird was white information technology has only the faintest dark spikes on the underside of the outer tail feathers.

The question was if she was a pure white Eurasian collared dove or a hybrid from the mating of a ringneck dove and the Eurasian collared pigeon.  I am guessing that someone who was breeding white ringnecks for wedding releases took in some ECDs and ended upwards with some white ECDs.

For more information on Eurasian collared doves click hither.



This page was developed in response to a number of requests for information about ringneck doves that was received during the spring of 1999.

My personal feel is only related to two birds, a single male ringneck dove I purchased for my niece in the fall of 1990 from a hub cap dealer and a young white albino ringneck dove given to me by a bird rehabilitator in 2006.  Thus this page is based upon the feel I have had with these ii birds and information from the few books I have listed as references.

For those who are interested in seeing a list of the different color variations click on the link (left side carte du jour) to the Dove Page prepared by Wade Oliver and become to the ringneck species. Mr. Oliver has a complete illustrated display of the known colour variations.

Taking Care of Ringneck Doves in the Home

The following information is provided for people who have caused a single pigeon. No data is included regarding nesting and raising babies. If that information is needed you can refer to the page for the mourning doves and the i for diamond doves on this site or you tin obtain one or more of the books included in the reference section on this page.

A male ringneck with his two babies

Photo by Mindy McQueen - Kingwood, Texas

In the autumn of 1989, I purchased Brownstone from a hub cap dealer since there were no other breeders in this area at the time. Nosotros asked for a female but inside several months the dove�south bow coos made it obvious that nosotros had a male. The birds was not tame at all when we brought it domicile and in fact it seemed angry. It was quite willing to peck us when it was handled and it rejected treats by tossing them across the room. Belongings the bird was non easy and the only way to grab the bird to return it to its cage later on free flying was to tire it out. I now wonder if the bird had been abused.

Only inside a yr the bird adjusted to our whole family and bonded on my niece. It but was kept in his muzzle when no 1 was at home and otherwise it learned to stay in the kitchen unless someone took her out as stools were accumulated in one place and cleaned. He was easily picked up and held and was quite willing to lay on any of usa while nosotros sabbatum and watched television. In a a few more years my niece had trained him to come up on control. If my two nieces faked a fight betwixt them the ringneck would defend my oldest niece by attacking the other.

The ii babies a few weeks afterward

Photo by Mindy McQueen - Kingwood, Texas

Brownstone was notorious for doing non-stop bow coos for almost of the day. It seemed he would but terminate for eating. He would practice bow coos for family members hands, feet, and various possessions like a pocketbook. He would go around to every mirror and cogitating device and practice bow coos to his own image. He has washed bow coos for a small teddy bear and other stuffed animals. And he will even mount and "mate" with certain objects if allowed. The noise level can be loud plenty to interfere with conversation, telephone calls, or listening to the radio or Television. In fact it can nerve racking, but he will terminate if you lot pick him upwards and give him a hug. I definitely would not recommend obtaining a single male ringneck if you are living in an apartment.


Dr. MIller recommends a minimum cage size of an 18 inch cube as suitable for adult ringnecks. This size provides the birds with room to stretch their wings. He also suggests that a 24 inch cube is suitable for a pair of birds that are raising their offspring. Many people proceed their birds in outside aviaries, particularly if they have several pairs. While large aviaries take the advantage of providing a more natural environment for the birds including room for flight and likewise ease of maintenance, at that place are some disadvantages including agin weather, predators, and much easier infection from disease and parasites. Often several hens volition oftentimes lay their eggs in one nest box and at kickoff share incubation but later on tire of the task. And and so males often go aggressive and will fight.  Ringnecks kept outside need a somewhat heated, enclosed space to roost in the winter months depending on the climate.

This cage is a 17 inch cube and thus considered not quite big enough for ringnecks

Doves are footing creatures and are used to spending much time on the muzzle floor. For this reason many people prefer to remove the grate in the cage.  We encompass the flooring with soft paper towel. Others leave the grate in the cage because they feel the bird remains cleaner when not exposed to the droppings. If you apply the beginning method, y'all need to clean the cage more than oftentimes where equally you can permit a muzzle with a grating to get longer before cleaning. In the beginning situation, yous should sentinel the birds� feet and clean them if they go dirty with soft stools. Normally stools dry quickly and the problem is minimized. Although cages with grates require less frequent cleaning, one must have the time to scrub the grate as soft stools will invariably coat the grate wires

Wire spacing on the cage walls and roof should exist one inch apart.


Most people use two perches in a cage 1 low and one high. One perch should accept a larger diameter than the other. The high perch should have adequate headroom for a bird to perch on it Perches can be round allowing the bird to grasp them or flatter surfaces that allows a bird to spread their toes and also cover them with their feathers when it is common cold. In outside aviaries that are located in the colder climates where freezing temperatures may exist encountered, flat perches are necessary to forestall the freezing of toes. Perches should be positioned to that debris form birds sitting on the perches do non tall into the nest box or drinking water.

Seed, Water, and Grit Containers

Seed, grit, and water containers tin can exist of various designs simply information technology is near important to take designs and/or locations that will prevent the contamination of the contents by bird droppings as this tin can cause and facilitate the transmission of a wide multifariousness of diseases and internal parasites. If y'all find droppings in and food or h2o contained and so something needs to exist inverse. I adopt to use glass water containers to avoid h2o that is contaminated by plastics or other chemicals. I take been using a simple plastic contagion shield to protect water dishes form debris.  Instructions for the construction of a shield can exist seen on the Caring for Diamond Doves folio of this site.  Seed containers should exist designed to preclude seed wastage because the birds like to throw seeds when they are looking for that best seed that they never detect. Some use a wire grating over the acme of the seed and others use seed containers with snap on lids that have small openings in the acme.


The standard nutrient for ringnecks is millet, canary seed, hemp, milo and wheat.  Greens and a calcium supplement are also recommended. (9)  Ringnecks will too eat a wide diverseness of human tabular array food.  Some people say the wider the variety of nutrient provided, the healthier volition exist the bird.  We feed one of our ringneck pellets on the advice of a veterinarian  who maintained that in one case he convinced clients to catechumen their birds to pellets, they never had to bring their bird in for affliction again. 1 of our birds, Brownstone, is now at least 19 years erstwhile (2009) and as far equally we can remember he has always remained in perfect health. But then ringnecks are known to to be hardy bird and are rarely sick if kept inside. Nonetheless I have noticed  that birds fed entirely on pellets frequently weigh much less than those fed on seed. Recently I was keeping the ringneck in my apartment and weighed it when my girl first brought him over. He weighed 150 grams which is on the depression side of the range of 150 to 200 grams given past Danny Brown (1). After having been given the opportunity to consume seed for 11 days he reached a weight of 175 grams.

The American Dove Association recommends a good wild bird seed that includes the smaller blackness oil sunflower seed.  They volition also benefit from a small pellet such as Purina'southward Modest Bird Maintenance Diet. They likewise recommend treats including spray millet, corn bread, wheat staff of life, sweet potatoes, crumbled hard boiled eggs with shell, cottage cheese, shredded carrots, and chopped greens. The association also recommends the utilise of a mixture of eighty%  Calcium Starter Grit and xx% granulated red fortified salt (for livestock) placed in a dissever basin. (1)

Nest Boxes and Nesting Material

The photograph beneath shows the 3 types of cheap nest boxes that we have use too a natural nesting material and artificial nesting material.

Iii Kinds of Ringneck Dove Nest Boxes

1.  This box is fabricated from a 48 oz. oatmeal container.  It has a bore of five inches and the inside superlative is two.25 inches. It is placed on the cage flooring. It could be weighted or fastened to the cage wall to forbid tipping. Information technology is placed on the cage floor.  This next box has natural nesting material inside.

2.  This box is also made from a 48 oz. oatmeal container.  Information technology has a "backboard" to let information technology to exist fastened to the muzzle wall at some elevation above the cage floor. The rim of the nest box should be positioned beneath the highest perch to prevent the birds from perching on the box and soiling the contents.  Artificial nesting material made from strips cutting from 3 x 5 cards are inside this adjacent box.

3.  This adjacent box is fabricated from a rectangular piece of paper-thin having the dimensions of 9 by 11 inches.  The finished box has a length of six inches and a width of iv inches.  It tin be placed on the cage floor.  This nest box is recommended by Dr. Miller, a ringneck expert.  Run into this link for a programme to make this box. Box Plan

RIngneck Dove Nest Box (2.five x 4.0 10 6.0 inches)

For information about nesting material, click on Caring for Diamond Doves page on the left side menu.

Em ergency Care and Feeding of Babies

Sometimes parents reject their babies because of some perceived defect that nosotros humans are non able to run across.  Breeders often believe it is all-time to non go on with those babies.  Yet, I accept gone ahead and handfed such babies and found that they grew upwardly and functioned unremarkably as far as I could run into.  I should note my experience has been with diamonds, not ringnecks.

Information technology is recommended that dove chicks be maintained at a temperature of 95.0 to 97 F to optimize the metabolism of their food (1).  Temperature can be controlled using a lamp with an adjustable arm.  A thermometer should be used and checked frequently as room temperatures frequently alter significantly during the day.  A small basin of h2o near the container utilize to house the chicks tin can exist used to provide the necessary humidity.

The feeding phases (1) are approximately as follows:

  • Day 1 to Twenty-four hour period iv - Formula, with decreasing amounts of water added
  • Day 5 to Twenty-four hours 12 - Formula mixed with seed. increasing amounts of seed
  • 24-hour interval 12 to Day 21- Seed but, fledges effectually day 21(1)
  • Day 21 to Twenty-four hour period 28 - Seed only, starts to consume seed alone a few days afterwards fledging
  • Solar day 28 to Day 30 - Babies should probably be removed from the parents' muzzle to avoid being attacked.

Every bit stated elsewhere on this site, Roundybush's Squab Formula is made for doves and ordinarily results in the best growth as it includes proteins and fats not included formulas made for other birds (one).  Kaytee's Exact can exist used, but the growth will be less than optimum. Another possibility is Gerber'due south High Protein Baby Cereal (7).


Although it does take some fourth dimension to tame a ringneck pigeon that has non had close contact with humans, my feeling is that they will become a very warm and affectionate companion of the owner who spends time with the bird and does non confine the bird to a cage when they are home. Tame ringnecks like to exist near their owner and will express their amore in many means.  Concluding night my girl and I were watching a movie on the calculator and after messing around with the diamonds for a while she came and landed on my daughters chest and snuggled up nether her chin occasional shaking her wings and giving low coos.  Later we were playing chess and he landed on my shoulder and snuggled down flat and went to sleep, occasionally waking up and preening his feathers.

Brownstone sleeping on his owner's shoulder

He stayed there on my shoulder for over 2 hours.  When it gets to exist most 11 pm or so, he volition come to one of u.s. and land on our heads.  We accept learned that this is the signal that we need to plough down the bright lights so he tin can go back to his cage and go to sleep for the night.  Many people, peculiarly those who alive lonely, keep a single ringneck as a "companion" bird.  They are far more than affectionate the most cats and are much cheaper and easier to go along than a dog.

Taming Ringneck Doves

Many people ask me nigh methods they might use to tame ringneck doves.  As a issue I have written a short commodity in the methods that I have used in the by.  While this commodity is near taming a variety of dove species, it should be useful for those who take recently caused ringnecks.  Link to Taming Doves

In regard to our own experience to tame my daughter's bird every bit I retrieve now information technology was a long and discouraging process.  The bird seemed to exist angry perhaps because the way it was treated before nosotros got it.  When offered nutrient he did not simply pass up it only rather threw it dorsum at us. Other than that it took half-dozen months before he transformed himself into the loveable bird that he has today.

I had another dove that was given to me and I did not have much time to pay attention to her.  But I did permit her out of her cage when I was home.  At starting time she explored the carpet looking for spilled seed merely within four days she was up on my desk-bound watching me work on the computer,  Since I ate meals at my desk, she before long felt she needed to share them.  She soon was eating all kind of human food if I cutting the pieces small enough.  Within a few months she was tame enough to fly to me when I called her.

Nosotros have had the white albino at present for about half dozen months and in some means it was adequately tame when we got information technology as it would sit on i's finger, or snuggle down in one'south hand, just she was and continues to exist easily spooked which we suppose is related to her blindness.


Many people write with questions nigh how long ringneck doves volition live.  While the usual life span of a ringneck dove is around 15 years or then, I have heard that some people's pet ringnecks have lived into their mid thirties.  Here is an accounting of four ringnecks that I know of that take lived more than than 20 years.


Brownstone - 11/07/2007

Nigh historic period 17 - lived to age 22

Our ringneck pigeon Brownstone was purchased in January 1990 for my niece who was but starting high school.  Nosotros figured he hatched out the previous jump which would brand him 21 years quondam sometime this bound.(2011).  He was kept as a single dove throughout his life by my niece.  He had a pellet diet from his sixth month  with united states until he came to live with terminal year.  He moved in with me and my doves because my niece married and her husband had two large dogs.  Although offered his regular pellet diet he chose to eat the seeds that my other doves consume.  He has a lame leg that causes him to limp but even so is a strong flyer and often is able to hover in place.

Peach pied silky 408y

Dr. Wilmer J. Miller of Iowa Country had a bird that lived for 27 years, 10 months, and a week that died on December 6, 2000 She had raised 221 offspring during the get-go 18 years of her life and then she fostered a number of other chicks later on her eggs were finished.  This pigeon was the oldest one out of the hundreds that were raised every bit part of his genetic research projects.


Eve - Historic period 29 plus on December 16, 2005
Photograph by Angie Nicol

Angie Nicol of Illinois sent me the photo above of her pet ringneck, Eve.  She purchased this dove more 28 years ago in a dime store in Vienna, IL.  The final anniversary of the dove's purchase was on December sixteen, 2005  Angie told me that she thought the bird was a year old when she obtained her which would make her around 28 years old as of December 2005. I have lost contact with Angie and so I do not know if this pigeon is all the same living


11/25/1983 to 10/5/2013

This is the oldest dove we have precise records of on this web site.  He almost lived a full 30 years but this by summertime he had a stroke and finally passed away on October 5th

Opal at an historic period of 2 months

Sharon O'Connell of Chicago, Illinois was given her white ringneck dove by friends while she was a senior at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  Her friends owned the dove's parents.  Sharon named her ringneck Opal.  Sharon thought he was a female but in fourth dimension his bow coos dispelled that idea.  The baby hatched out on November 25, 1983 making him 27 years old on Thanksgiving Day 2010.   The photograph below was taken at Opal's 27th altogether party.    Sharon says she has feed him ane/iii canary seed and two/3 finch seed all his life.

  Opal at an historic period of exactly 27 years - 10/25/2010

She never gave him whatever vitamins.  The merely other maintenance included the clipping of nails and an occasional bathroom in the bathroom sink.  And the bird has never been ill or injured and thus had never been to a vet. Now that he is older, the simply sign of aging seems to be a wheezing as he flies around her home and gasping for air.  Merely and then Sharon comments that almost of us have these problems when we age.

Opal at an historic period of about 28 years - 11/eleven/2011

Opal at an historic period of most 29 years - xi/12/2012

Opal seemed to stay strong and healthy until mid May 2013.  At that time he seemed to have suffered a stroke. During the summer he slowly deteriorated and by July he was limping and not really flight.  That was why they were able to have him outside and get photos similar the one beneath.

Opal - 7/viii/2013 - later stroke

As time went on he started living generally in the bottom of his cage.  Sometimes he would accept seizures which became more frequent in the fall.

Opal - 9/2/2013

Then in September he started spending most of his fourth dimension on the cage floor - eating, drinking and sleeping.  Sharon knew the stop was about and that was sad, but he had a long and great life and provided Sharon'south family with many happy memories

Opal - 10/5/2013

On Oct fifth he went to his favorite position in his cage and passed abroad

Opal had lived 51 days less than xxx years.

All photographs of Opal were taken past Sharon O'Connell of Chicago, Illinois


(i) Brown, Danny, "Barbary Dove Streptopelia "risoria"", A Guide to Pigeons, Doves & Quail, Their Management, Intendance & Breeding, Due south Tweeds Heads, Australia: Australian Birdkeeper 1995, pp. 122-125

(ii) Cooper, Jo, Hand Feeding Babe Birds ,  Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc., 1979, pp. ixthree

(iii) Gibbs, David; Barnes, Eustace; Cox, John, "African Collared Dove, Streptopelia roseogrisea" Pigeons and Doves, A Guide to Pigeons and Doves of the World, London: Yale Academy Press 2001, pp. 260-261

(4a) Goodwin, Derek, "Barbary Dove (Streptopelia "risoria")" Pigeons and Doves of the World, London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 1967, pp. 129-130

(4b) Goodwin, Derek, "African Collared Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea)" Pigeons and Doves of the Globe, London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 1967, pp. 131-132

(5) Gos, Michael Due west., "Ringneck Pigeon," Doves. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc., 1989, pp. 76-lxxx

(six) Lockhard, Bob, Ringneck Dove Colors, 1999, Second Edition, pp. 22, (Available through the American Dove Association)

(7) Modler, Fine art, Ringneck Doves, Their Care and Enjoyment, pp. 8, no date (Bachelor through the American Dove Clan)

8) Shutt, George J., Dove Talk, 1993, pp. 18 (Available through the American Dove Clan)

(9) Smith, P. William (1987). "The Eurasian Collared-Dove arrives in the Americas". American Birds 41(5), 1370-1379.

(ten) Vriends, Matthew M., PhD., "Barbary Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea var. risoria)," Doves, A Complete Pet Owner'southward Manual. Happauge, NY: Barrons Educational Series, Inc., 1994 , pp. 65-87

©twenty thirteen - Helen White

Helen White
P. O. Box 367,
Tallahassee, FL 32302-0367

Last revised on: October 09, 2013


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